ضمیمه B. لیست سیاه و اصطلاحنامه
لیست سیاه
[‘machine learning’, ‘ml’, ‘machine learning ml’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘ai’,
‘artificial intelligence ai’, ‘classification’, ‘prediction’, ‘modeling’, ‘algorithms’,
‘prognosis’, ‘accuracy’, ‘optimization’, ‘performance’, ‘machine-learning’, ‘detection’, ‘learning’,
‘machine’, ‘and machine learning’, ‘data’, ‘analysis’, ‘machine learning techniques’,
‘machine learning methods’, ‘network’, ‘machine learning models’, ‘networks’,
‘model’, ‘models’, ‘machine learning approach’, ‘classification’,
‘machine learning algorithms’,
‘machine learning algorithm’, ‘learning algorithms’]
‘پردازش داده ها’ = [‘feature selection’, ‘feature extraction’,
‘principal component analysis’,
‘dimensionality reduction’, ‘data augmentation’, ‘feature engineering’, ‘pca’,
‘representation learning’, ‘imbalanced data’, ‘data fusion’, ‘class imbalance’, ‘smote’]
“پارادایم های یادگیری” = [‘reinforcement learning’, ‘supervised learning’,
‘unsupervised learning’, ‘deep reinforcement learning’, ‘transfer learning’,
‘semi-supervised learning’, ‘federated learning’, ‘supervised machine learning’,
‘active learning’, ‘unsupervised machine learning’, ‘explainable ai’, ‘interpretability’,
‘adversarial machine learning’, ‘online learning’, ‘domain adaptation’,
‘interpretable machine learning’, ‘explainable artificial intelligence’, ‘q-learning’,
“سیستم و سخت افزار” = [‘cloud computing’, ‘gpu’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘smartphone’, ‘fpga’,
‘android’, ‘python’, ‘cloud’, ‘fog computing’, ‘mapreduce’, ‘spark’, ‘edge computing’,
‘energy efficiency’, ‘۵ g’]
# الگوریتم ها
‘انسامبل’ = [‘random forest’, ‘random forests’, ‘random forests’, ‘adaboost’,
‘ensemble learning’, ‘xgboost’, ‘ensemble’, ‘gradient boosting’, ‘bagging’, ‘boosting’]
“خطی” = [‘logistic regression’, ‘linear regression’]
“نزدیکترین همسایه” = [‘knn’, ‘k-nn’,’k-nearest neighbor’, ‘k-nearest neighbors’]
‘مبتنی بر هسته’ = [‘support vector machine’, ‘svm’, ‘support vector machines’,
‘support vector machine svm’, ‘support vector regression’,
‘support vector machines’,
‘support vector’]
“بر اساس درخت” = [‘decision tree’, ‘decision trees’]
‘خوشه بندی’ = [‘clustering’, ‘k-means’, ‘k-means clustering’, ‘cluster analysis’]
‘آماری’ = [‘naive bayes’, ‘naïve bayes’, ‘gaussian process regression’,
‘bayesian optimization’]
‘الگوریتم های دیگر’ = [‘genetic algorithm’, ‘particle swarm optimization’, ‘fuzzy logic’,
‘genetic programming’]
‘سی ان ان’ = [‘convolutional neural network’, ‘convolutional neural networks’, ‘cnn’,
‘convolutional neural network cnn’, ‘convolution neural network’]
‘RNN’ = [‘lstm’, ‘recurrent neural network’, ‘rnn’, ‘long short-term memory’,
‘recurrent neural networks’]
‘سایر الگوریتم های شبکه عصبی’ = [‘neural networks’, ‘neural network’,
‘artificial neural network’, ‘artificial neural networks’, ‘ann’,
‘artificial neural network ann’,
‘deep learning’, ‘deep neural networks’, ‘deep neural network’, ‘deep learning dl’,
‘extreme learning machine’, ‘autoencoder’, ‘generative adversarial networks’,
‘attention mechanism’, ‘multilayer perceptron’, ‘generative adversarial network’]
# برنامه های کاربردی
“اینترنت چیزها” = [‘internet of things’, ‘iot’, ‘internet of things iot’, ‘sensors’,
‘smart grid’, ‘wearable sensors’]
‘پردازش زبان طبیعی’ = [‘natural language processing’, ‘nlp’,
‘sentiment analysis’,
‘text classification’, ‘opinion mining’, ‘bert’, ‘topic modeling’, ‘word embedding’]
‘پردازش تصویر و بینایی کامپیوتری’ = [‘image processing’, ‘image classification’,
‘computer vision’, ‘image recognition’, ‘machine vision’, ‘image analysis’,
‘object detection’, ‘image segmentation’, ‘face recognition’, ‘semantic segmentation’]
“امنیت” = [‘anomaly detection’, ‘security’, ‘malware’, ‘intrusion detection’,
‘cybersecurity’, ‘malware detection’, ‘intrusion detection system’, ‘network security’,
‘blockchain’, ‘cyber security’, ‘risk assessment’, ‘fraud detection’]
“رسانه های اجتماعی” = [‘social media’, ‘twitter’, ‘social networks’, ‘fake news’]
“مراقبت های بهداشتی” = [‘covid-19’, ‘healthcare’, ‘alzheimer s disease’, ‘alzheimer’s disease’, ‘radiomics’,
‘breast cancer’, ‘bioinformatics’, ‘cancer’, ‘precision medicine’, ‘eeg’, ‘biomarkers’, ‘lung cancer’,
‘stroke’, ‘mental health’, ‘parkinson s disease’, ‘sars-cov-2’, ‘biomarker’, ‘diabetes’,
‘electronic health records’, ‘magnetic resonance imaging’, ‘mri’, ‘activity recognition’,
‘depression’, ‘emotion recognition’, ‘drug discovery’, ‘human activity recognition’, ‘epilepsy’,
‘electroencephalography’, ‘computer-aided diagnosis’, ‘computed tomography’,
‘affective computing’, ‘gene expression’, ‘condition monitoring’, ‘medical imaging’,
‘ecg’, ‘neuroimaging’, ‘schizophrenia’, ‘heart disease’]
‘داده کاوی’ = [‘data mining’, ‘big data’, ‘data science’, ‘text mining’,
‘big data analytics’,
‘data analytics’, ‘pattern recognition’, ‘data analysis’, ‘information retrieval’,
‘information extraction’]
‘برنامه های دیگر’ = [‘fault diagnosis’, ‘industry 4 0’, ‘predictive maintenance’,
‘fault detection’, ‘agriculture’, ‘climate change’, ‘robotics’, ‘virtual reality’, ‘uav’,
‘recommender systems’, ‘decision making’, ‘digital twin’, ‘gis’, ‘smart city’]
منبع: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-2688/5/1/12